Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Routed Mode WanLinks with Virtual Routers

Goal: Setup a Routed Mode WanLink between two Virtual Routers.

In this test scenario, LANforge-ICE is used to simulate a routed network where incoming traffic on one port is sent through one Virtual Router then through a WanLink, then through a second Virtual Router and then finally out to a port on a different network.

Setup a Netsmith Connection.

Go to the Status tab and click Netsmith

Right-click in the Netsmith window and select New Connection

Accept defaults, Auto Create everything then click OK

Click Apply in the Netsmith window to create the connection

For more information see LANforge-GUI User Guide: Netsmith

Setup two Virtual Routers.

Right-click in the Netsmith window and select New Router

Accept defaults, or change the name, graphical size and notes about the Virtual Router.

Click OK when done

Click the Apply button and repeat for the second Virtual Router

NOTE: After making any changes to the Netsmith window, you must click Apply or your changes will NOT be implemented and could be lost.

Click the Apply button followed by the Sync button

NOTE: Clicking Sync makes sure any changes are synchronized with the current database.

Also, note the Netsmith Apply Progress bar displayed at the bottom of the Netsmith window.

For more information see LANforge-GUI User Guide: Netsmith

Configure the ports on the ends of the WanLink.

Right-click port rddVR0 and select Modify Port

Assign an IP address and Network Mask.

This example uses and

Right-click port rddVR1 and select Modify Port

Assign an IP address and Network Mask.

This example uses and

For more information see LANforge-GUI User Guide: Netsmith

Drag the ends of the WanLink into the Virtual Routers.

Left-click and drag rddVR0 into Router R0(1)

Left-click and drag rddVR1 into Router R1(2)

Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Netsmith window

For more information see LANforge-GUI User Guide: Netsmith

Setup the Routed Mode WanLink characteristics.

Right-click the WanLink and select Modify Wanlink

Verify that the B-side ports, rddVR0b and rddVR1b are filled in.

NOTE: Be sure to set the impairment, if any, and transfer rate.

Click OK when done

Right-click the WanLink and select Toggle Wanlink to set its status to Running (green).

For more information see LANforge-GUI User Guide: Netsmith

Setup the physical ports.

Right-click port eth0 and select Modify Port

Assign port eth0 an IP address and Network Mask

NOTE: This example uses and

Drag port eth0 into Router R0(1)

Right-click port eth1 and select Modify Port

Assign port eth1 an IP address and Network Mask.

NOTE: This example uses and

If either physical port connects to a larger routed network, right-click the port and select Modify and enter values for Next Hop and Subnets as follows:

NOTE: Next Hop is the default gateway of your next network hop

Up to 8 different subnets can be configured or for any subnet

Click OK when done, then click Apply in Netsmith to apply your changes

Drag port eth1 into Router R1(0)

Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Netsmith window

For more information see LANforge-GUI User Guide: Netsmith

Run traffic and verify results. (Refer to LANforge FIRE Cookbook to run traffic)

Verify that the traffic on eth0 is being sent to Default Gateway and that traffic on eth1 is being sent to Default Gateway

NOTE: In this example, traffic to eth0 is from a port configured with IP address Network Mask and Default Gateway

Traffic to eth1 is from a port configured with IP address Network Mask and Default Gateway

To generate routed network traffic refer to the LANforge FIRE Cookbook Routed Network Testingsection.

If your physical configuration is complete, Netsmith should appear as shown here:

Right-click one of the Virtual Routers and select Show Routing Table to view the internal routing table for the Virtual Router

LANforge Virtual Routers by default use simple subnet routing, but can also use OSPF or BGP routing protocols. LANforge can also perform IPv4 multicast routing.

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